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Blackburn manages to kill Solomon and retrieve the nuclear warhead just in time. With no other choice, Blackburn and Montes, the sole survivor of his team, escape in order to stop the attack on New York. Battlefield 3 for PC Free Download Compressed

They believe Russia is responsible for these attacks.

Meanwhile, Dima tries to stop the attack on Paris but fails and is swept up in the explosion with his team he survives the explosion but was severely exposed to radioactivity. Because of this,CIA to whom he explains the whole story through flashbacks. Blackburn then shoots Cole to let Dima escape. Prince of Persia: Warrior Within Download - Free GoG PC GamesĬole, the commander, wothin and tries to stop Mayakovsky. During the pursuit, they encounter Russian armed forces also attempting to capture Kaffarov. Before dying, Al-Bashir reveals the plan to detonate the nuclear warheads. Later, Blackburn and his squad attempt to capture Al-Bashir and find that Solomon has betrayed him. While extracting the squad by helicopter, Miller is captured, then filmed and executed by Solomon. Overwhelmed by events, Blackburn asks for support. GTA 5 Highly Compressed Free Download - Ultra Compressed It is half-buried under the rubble that Blackburn sees for the first time the leader of the PLR, Solomon.